Tips for recording your own film

Below are some helpful things to keep in mind while taking film of your athlete during matches.

1) Record in HD 1080p WIDESCREEN (16:9) format

The higher the quality of video, the better. If you're recording from your phone, always turn it on it's side and record in widescreen. It's easier to work with clips that are in widescreen, rather than vertical.

2) Try to avoid erratic camera movements

When filming your athlete, keep the camera as steady as possible. If you have to move the camera around, do so as smooth as you can. Also try to put the camera in a place where not many people will be walking in front of it.

3) Try recording in short bursts

If you like to record from the stands with your phone, I recommend starting a recording right before a play starts and shortly after it ends. If you didn't capture anything good, quickly delete it. If you did get something good, then keep it! This makes going through your clips very quick and easy!

4) Cover as much of the court/field as possible, while keeping focus on your player

It can be difficult to get a good view of your player if you're sitting far in the back of the bleachers, so try to get in a good spot where you can clearly see your player. It's also possible to be zoomed in too close to where you can't see anything else BUT the player. It's always best to capture your athlete closely while also getting a good view of the action going on around them.

5) Keep your videos organized in a folder or separate drive

As you take film of your athlete, you want to keep the files organized on your computer or on a flash drive or hard drive. Cloud storage such as Google Drive and iCloud is also a great way of storing your videos digitally. Be sure to keep them labelled by date and/or opposing team so it can be easily found.

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